Tuesday, September 30, 2008

March Art

March Art....Hey, that rhymes....lol.

Flower Collage

Hello everyone,
I hope every one is well. I'm feeling better everyday. Here are my latest creations for your enjoyment.

Up above is a collage of flowers that are actually a part of an even greater project. I made the collage so that you could see the details of the flowers themselves.

What we have here is a paraffin oil lamp. I got this lamp ages ago from my own garage sale. My SIL's SIL put it in and I took it out cuz I thought it was cute, but I never used it. I peeled off the decoration and added my own. I followed a tut to make the flower petals, and added them to a slab of transparent clay. Then I glazed and glazed for that high gloss shine. I think it turned out well. I love decorating glass with poly clay.

Here we have a faux turquoise liquor bottle, a basket weave glass and another cigarette case. A lot of the time I want to attempt a new technique, and I need to justify using that technique. So, I'll find something to embellish. That's the case with those 3 items.

Mom had finished off the liquor in the bottle, cleaned it out and brought it to me. She said that she thought it was an interesting bottle and wanted to see what I could do with it. I thought, "Hey, I want to try one of faux turquoise techs." I had a vision of how I wanted it to turn out, and the end result is exactly what I had in mind. I had extra "turquoise" so I made some beads and found a way to also incorporate them into the design.

I had that mini hurricane glass lying around since my last thrift store visit. One night I made a basket weave cane, and I couldn't figure out what I wanted to use it on. Then I saw the glass. And, well you see the result. I think it's really cute.

Finally, we have the cigarette case. I know it's a terrible habbit, but I found the case one day at Goodwill. It had a faded brittish flag sticker, and after making my own case, I decided to do another. I actually forgot I had it when I made the design to cover it. The tutorial I found was on a French poly clay site. When I finished the tech, I had a slab of clay and I didn't know what to do with it. I remembered the case and voilĂ , there you have it.

On Tuesday, I made mom drive me out to the thrift store. We combed through the store and I got some interesting new glasswares to decorate over time. But for right now, my Great auntie is really sick and I'm making her a special piece to hopefullymake her days a little brighter.

Originally posted on AOL on April 4, 2008

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